miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2019

La muda de la gaviota reidora

Hola, buenos días.

Estando con mi hijo en la playa de Sada hemos podido disfrutar casi al final del invierno, más concretamente el día 21 de marzo, de la transición del  plumaje hacia el de verano que algunos ejemplares de gaviotas reidoras ya poseían.

Chroicocephalus ridibundus (gaviota reidora, gaivota chorona en gallego):

 Hasta la próxima entrada.

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2 comentarios:

  1. It is a very handsome gull, and fortunately easy to find. I am sure sure that you enjoyed your sightings very much, along with your son, the young naturalist, who is happy to make discoveries with his father. Un abrazo, David

  2. Hola David, gracias por pasar y comentar.

    It's true that he enjoyed seeing these seagulls some with the black hood like those of these photos, others partially dark and many still with the winter plumage in both adults and juveniles. It is wonderful to go out with your son.

    Un abrazo desde Galicia,

